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Elvis Presley's 12 Commandements

(or Mental Level)

«Talk about the good times!» ...«Let's forget about the stars!»... Just remember the good times and don't give yourself too many problems!

«Stop listen!»... If you stop thinking, if you listen to what happens or goes on around you, (you see things for what they are)! And no inconscious habits anymore! «Come what may!»... And what happens is always best for you: «Change of habit!»... «A little less conversation!»... Stop chattering within your head or with other people: so you’ll see any type of meeting, or activity with anything or anyone is absolutely perfect.

«Follow that dream!»...
Don't follow YOUR dreams. Be here and now, every moment in THE DREAM consciously perceived as being the only reality there is!

«It's now or never!»... « Surrender!»...
Capitulate!... Just let the Dream flow...
And Live it!...


(or the Emotional-relational level)

«Let's be friends!»... «Come on everybody!»... Come on, all of you! Let’s all meet at the gathering point where Friendship is possible!

Be confident!

«Walk a mile in my shoes!»… «Patch it up!»... Try being in someone else's shoes before passing judgment, and link it all together!

«Don't be cruel!»… «Do not disturb!»... Don’t be wicked!... Peace!

(or Physical level)

«Let's live a little!» ...«Sing, you children sing»... «Shake, rattle and roll!»... Decide to live at last!... Dance, dance, dance!... Dance and sing!...

«Clean up your own backyard !»... Mind your own business. Enough of that!... and let the World go away!...

«Let yourself go»... Let yourself go without fear, without thinking !... Just be yourself, open up («Shake a hand every day») and relate to people in a simple way. Do all this in full consciousness, for the commandment was given to make you aware that : this is the best way to be, the most natural way to live.

«Inherit the wind!»... «Walk on!»... Live your true LIFE, and not your EXISTENCE! Let the Energy carry you!

Note: Those familiar with Dodecalogy will immediately perceive that, as with Bouddha's teachings, Milarepa's poems, Plato and other Greco-romain philosophers' discourses, or any exhaustive study or thesis, these Commandments have been set down in full accordance with the eternal canvas: The Physical, Emotional-Relational, Mental levels and their divisions (Earth, Air, Water, Fire). Read all about it in the book entitled: The Universe read by code-bar (in French) from Emmanuel-Yves Monin.


 Article d'Emmanuel-Yves Monin

À voir aussi sur le même sujet:



Le Message d'Elvis Presley

Un Héros Civilisateur


Le Monde Inconnu: Elvis Presley  Radio France Outre-Mer Emmanuel Yves Monin, invité de l'émission de Roger Raziel.

Une émission de Roger Raziel Entretien avec Emmanuel-Yves Monin, autour de son ouvrage :
" Le Message d'Elvis Presley, un héros Civilisateur "
Diffusée le 27/01/1995

Version Audio



Les 12 Commandements d'Elvis Presley

Article d'Emmanuel-Yves Monin


Le Message religieux d'Elvis Presley

Le Message religieux

d'Elvis Presley

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